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Das IPS hat seit seiner Gründung 1972 in 39 Ausgaben die „Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und sprachliche Kommunikation der Universität München (FIPKM)“ herausgegeben. 2002 wurde die Reihe eingestellt. Einige der Ausgaben zwischen 1996 und 2002 sind online abrufbar. Andere Ausgaben sind auf Anfrage in gedruckter Form erhältlich.
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Draxler, C. (Ohne Datum). Automatic Transcription of Spoken Language Using Publicly Available Web Services. In Fare Linguistica Applicata Con Le Digital Humanities (pp. 27-49).
@incollection{draxlerAutomaticTranscriptionSpoken, title = {Automatic {{Transcription}} of {{Spoken Language Using Publicly Available Web Services}}}, booktitle = {Fare Linguistica Applicata Con Le Digital Humanities}, author = {Draxler, Christoph}, series = {Studi {{AItLa}}}, number = {14}, pages = {pp. 27-49}, address = {Milano}, abstract = {This paper is an informal introduction to transcribing speech in general and the current state of the art in automatic speech recognition in particular, and it elaborates on the differences between commercial and academic speech recognisers. Based on a short extract of an oral history interview, it presents four different types of transcription, and compares the output of a commercial speech recognition system to a human-generated transcript. It proposes a simple graphical tool which allows potential users to estimate the quality of the recognition output. Finally, it introduces the speech processing web services offered by the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals.}, isbn = {978-88-97657-50-7} }
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