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Das IPS hat seit seiner Gründung 1972 in 39 Ausgaben die „Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik und sprachliche Kommunikation der Universität München (FIPKM)“ herausgegeben. 2002 wurde die Reihe eingestellt. Einige der Ausgaben zwischen 1996 und 2002 sind online abrufbar. Andere Ausgaben sind auf Anfrage in gedruckter Form erhältlich.
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Jochim, M. (2017). Extending the EMU Speech Database Management System: Cloud Hosting, Team Collaboration, Automatic Revision Control. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (pp. 813-814).
@inproceedings{jochimExtendingEMUSpeech2017, title = {Extending the {{EMU Speech Database Management System}}: {{Cloud Hosting}}, {{Team Collaboration}}, {{Automatic Revision Control}}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {{Interspeech}} 2017, {{Stockholm}}, {{Sweden}}}, author = {Jochim, Markus}, year = {2017}, pages = {813--814}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, doi = {10.21437/Interspeech.2017}, abstract = {In this paper, we introduce a new component of the EMU Speech Database Management System [1, 2] to improve the team workflow of handling production data (both acoustic and physiological) in phonetics and the speech sciences. It is named {\textbackslash}emph\{emuDB Manager\}, and it facilitates the coordination of team efforts, possibly distributed over several nations, by introducing automatic revision control (based on Git), cloud hosting (in private clouds provided by the researchers themselves or a third party), by keeping track of which parts of the database have already been edited (and by whom), and by centrally collecting and making searchable the notes made during the edit process.} }
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